Archaeological complex "Nebet Tepe"
Dimitar Ruykov

Archaeological complex "Nebet Tepe"


The remains of the first settlement on the territory of Plovdiv, dating back to the Neolithic Age, are situated on the Nebet Tepe (eng: "Hill of the guards"). According to some researchers in the 12th century BC the village grew into the Thracian city of Eumolpia - one of the first urban centers in Southeastern Europe.

The ancient structure uncovered on the hill is typical of that era, representing solid fortress walls surrounding a temple and a palace. The oldest part of the fortress was built up in stone as the method is known as “cyclopean masonry”, a type of stonework built with massive syenite boulders, roughly fitted together with minimal clearance between adjacent stones and no use of mortar. At present, the remains of the city are easily accessible and on display.

Archaeologists have uncovered an urban settlement dated in the reign of Philip II of Macedon (4th century B.C.) as well - fortifications with bulwarks, a grain storage facility and a square tower (4th- 2nd centuries B.C.  to 2nd-4th centuries A.D.)

During the Hellenistic period, the Thracian city of Eumolpia expanded over the Three Hills Area (i.e. Nebet, Dzhambaz and Taksim Hills or the Tepes) and its foothills, as the old settlement and fortress turned into a citadel of the city acropolis.

At present, people of all ages gather here to enjoy the beautiful view of the city and to get in touch with ages long past.


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