Academic Drama Theatre – Kr. Sarafov NATFA
Academic Drama Theatre

Academic Drama Theatre – Kr. Sarafov NATFA


The Academic Drama Theatre (Ucheben dramatichen teatar) is situated in NATFA’s main building at 108 A G. S. Rakovski Str. (first premiere – 1957). It is a complex of stages, two of which main: a Big Stage with 423 seats and Stage 47 with 60 seats. The rest of the stages – A 101, A 202, A 203, A 405 and A 610 – called small stages, are used for teaching various types of theatre forms and genres. The Academic Drama Theatre functions as a repertory theatre where one can watch the graduation performances of the classes from the programs of Drama Theatre Acting, Theatre of Movement – Pantomime and Dance Theatre, Drama Theatre Staging, Theatre and Cinema Acting and Stage Arts. 


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