Ivan Dimov Drama and Puppet Theatre
Ivan Dimov Drama and Puppet Theatre

Ivan Dimov Drama and Puppet Theatre


The building of Haskovo’s theatre was built in 1926. In 2004, after full restoration, it became one of the country’s most beautiful and contemporary-looking theatre buildings.



In 2000 Haskovo’s Puppet Theatre and Drama Theatre were united into a single Drama and Puppet Theatre named Ivan Dimov Drama and Puppet Theatre. Since the two theatres were united, they have won numerous awards from various festivals and competitions, including the Askeer and Ikar awards. Some of Bulgaria’s most renowned creatives in the field of drama and puppet theatre work at Haskovo’s theatre. Constant touring is an inseparable part of the theatre’s activity. Among the partners of the cultural institution are Ivan Vazov National Theatre, Aleko Konstantinov Satire Theatre, ‘Tears and Laughter’ New Drama Theatre and so on as well as non-governmental organisations and private companies.


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