

  • град Ловеч

  • Traditions / Culinary delights / Pilgrim tourism / Art / Conference tourism / Cultural sites / Fortresses / 100 National Tourist Sites


  • lavov-most_230x161_crop_c7df15aaa7

    Lavov most - Lion's Bridge

    Lavov most is among the most famous places in Sofia. It is situated over Vladayska River, at the traffic circle at "Maria Louisa" and "Slivnitsa" Blvds.

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    Architectural-Ethnographic Complex "Etara"

    One of the classical National Revival locations where over the years Bulgarian customs, culture and traditions have been preserved...

  • dryanovski-manastir-d-ruykov_230x161_crop_f2657804de

    Dryanovo Monastery

    Built at the beginning of the Second Bulgarian State, repeatedly destroyed and rebuilt again, over the centuries Dryanovo Monastery has become one of the pillars of the Bulgarian spirit in the difficult years of the Ottoman rule.

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