
Somewhere in the Rhodope Mountains, there lies a small, forgotten village  – hushed and preserving the primordial spirit of beginning itself. People, shadows and memories converge in the ruins left of the once dignified stone houses and the well-trodden cobblestone streets. Streets we walk to this day, magical places which immerse us, while we look for the same things our predecessors were seeking – harmony and unity with the world around us. Man and mountain sinking into their own fairytale.


Today we, who have the spiritual need of connection with Nature and with our roots, we who want to be charged with the primal energy that flows through every nook of the Rhodope village, we will tell you a new tale and transfuse this energy to you. Seeking those moments, when seeing leads to understanding, when touch leads to awareness, when stepping through the threshold leads to a transfiguration within us and we rise above the average, every-day life. Share the experience with us – TRANFIGURATION FESTIVAL, 06-09 August 2015

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