Etropole Waterfall Varovitets

Etropole Waterfall Varovitets


In this place, Nature in all her majesty has unfolded her powers and exceptional talent to the highest degree and has created one of Bulgaria’s most fascinating natural phenomena.

Near the Etropole Monastery of the Holy Trinity, about 2 km away from the village of Ribaritsa and 5 km from the town of Etropole, among centuries-old trees and their ghostly above ground roots, in places serving as stairs, surrounded by mosses, ferns and damp freshness, Mother Nature has released the waters of a small river, rising in close proximity. The result is absolutely charming - the water runs over variously shaped stones at different levels creating impressive water curtains; splashing and scattering freshness around.

In spring, especially during high water, the 15-meter high fall is probably the most impressive. However, in winter the beauty of the frozen waterfall is unparalleled.
The well- maintained "Echoing Bell Chimes" eco trail, with a starting point in the village of Ribaritsa, leads up to the waterfall. The trail is well marked and there’re enough resting places and recreational spots. From the waterfall, it's just a five-minute walk to the Etropole Monasery.



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