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  • muzei-istoria-sofia_230x161_crop_9a89dcb5cb

    Sofia History Museum

    A decision on the founding of a town's museum was taken back in 1928 at the proposal of the Mayor Vladimir Vazov.

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    National History Museum

    The National History Museum is the national treasury of the Republic of Bulgaria; a depository of relics of global scale and one of the biggest history museums on the Balkan Peninsula.

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    National Museum of Military History

    The National Museum of Military History (NMMH) investigates, preserves, processes scientifically and popularizes cultural valuables connected with the national and European military history.

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    National Museum of Natural History

    National Museum of Natural History is the only national institution that predominantly engages in the conservation of scientific collections of animate and inanimate nature from Bulgaria and abroad.

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    National Polytechnic Museum

    The National Polytechnic Museum preserves over 22 000 exhibits.

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    Kuklite Art House and Museum

    Kuklite Art House – a unique place in the heart of Sofia.

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    Музей на просветото дело

    Музеят на просветното дело се помещава в автентичната сграда от 1852 г. на взаимното училище в Златоград.

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    Музей на свещарството

    Уникален и атрактивен музей събира заинтригуваните погледи на туристите и дори местните хора в Златоград.

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    Гложенски музей

    Гложенският музей е създаден през 1981г.

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    Регионален исторически музей

    Богатото историческо минало на пловдивския край е намерило своя дом в Регионалния музей в града под тепетата.

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    Regional Archaeological Museum – Plovdiv

    The Regional Archaeological Museum in Plovdiv, Bulgaria is one of the first Bulgarian cultural institutions.

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    Museum Centre for Contemporary History

    The building was built in 1895 as an officers’ club.